Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Celebrate Easter! - Prep

I took few pictures of me prepping for the Celebrate Easter! dessert table for the JoyEdge service..

Making "Easter!" text treatment with fake flowers with foam board. 

Making Cupcake decorations out of
marshmallows, colored sugar and white chocolate.

aren't they pretty??

From Top - Bottom, Left - Right=
Green M w/ Yellow S, White M w/ Yellow S, Yellow M w/ Green S
White M w/ Green S, Yellow M w/ White S, Green M w/ White S
M = Marshmallow, S = Sugar 

Test run at home!

Lemon Meringue Taffy
Lemon Lime Candy Sticks
Lemon Candy Sticks
Pineapple Gummi Bear
Vanilla Taffy

Celebrate Easter! 2011 - Part 2

Here are the detailed photos of the Celebrate Easter! 2011 dessert table at JoyEdge...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Celebrate Easter! 2011 - Part 1

It's already the end of April!! Finally the weather got warmer in East Coast and i am soo excited and happy for this gorgeous weather!!!

Last few weeks, i've been pretty busy preparing for our church, Joy Christian Fellowship's Resurrection Sunday Service Celebration Dessert Table!!

Since I haven't done a party for such a large number of people (200 people) before, i had no idea how much desserts to prepare and plan. But... with God's grace, it turned out pretty good!

I do NOT believe in Easter Bunnies, Chicks, Ducklings, etc...
So, creating this dessert table without all the cliche of Easter was a bit difficult...  but... i decided to focus more on colors for the whole table... Yellow, White and accents of Light Green... 

and this is how it turned out!

I made everything except for the cookies(on the far left), brownies(on the far right) and of course the candies. 
This meant....
100 cupcakes - 100 cupcake toppers - 100 marshmallow flower decorations for the cupcakes,
70 Marshmallow pops,
50 Oreo pops,
60 Cake pops,
over 100 tags,
all the treat tags,
100 goodie bag with custom-made stickers,
and background banner with special "Easter!" text treatment...

It was hard.... but it was sooo much fun... and it was sooo worth it!

Oh... i also made a little sign reminding people to only take few, so everyone can enjoy... 

Detailed photos and prep will follow later days!!!